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Tiffany Natural Pharmacy
1115 South Ave West, Westfield, NJ 07090
(908) 233-2200 - (908) 233-3975
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Westfield, NJ Pharmacy Services

older woman speaking to a doctor who’s holding a prescription bottle

The pharmacists at Tiffany Natural Pharmacy provide patients with information about drug interactions because a bad drug interaction can put your health at risk. And, even when it doesn't put your health at risk, it can reduce the effectiveness of the medications you take.

Bad Drug Interaction

Any time you are taking more than one type of medication, or medications along with herbal supplements, it's important to ask about possible drug interactions. If you notice any sign of possible drug interactions, you should discuss those symptoms with your physician or your pharmacist at Tiffany Natural Pharmacy.

If you have pills you can't identify, and you're concerned about possible interactions, consider visiting our pill identifier to confirm the type of pill you have, or bring it into the pharmacy for identification. You will then be able to discuss possible interactions as well as get confirmation about proper dosing.

Interactions Between Two or More Drugs and Herbal Supplements

Interactions that occur between two or more medications, or medications and herbal supplements, are a common type of negative drug interaction. Any time you take more than one type of medication, consider discussing possible interactions with your pharmacist. This helps ensure you get the maximum effectiveness from your medications, plus it helps you protect your health.

Taking a combination of medications can reduce how well each drug works. It can also create a dangerous level of toxicity in your bloodstream. Or, the drugs may render one another ineffective.

Interactions Between Drugs and Foods

It might seem unexpected that medications could interact poorly with food. However, there are some drugs that have the potential to cause problems when combined with specific foods. Grapefruit is one type of food that's commonly noted as a food to avoid when you are taking the medications called statins.

Taking statins and drinking grapefruit juice as an example, when the two are combined, the combination may cause muscle pain or injury. Dairy products and calcium-rich foods may also interact poorly with some types of drugs.

Health Conditions That May Be Triggered by Certain Drugs

High blood pressure is one key health condition that may be triggered by medications. For example, a medication that raises your blood pressure, such as a decongestant, can interact poorly with an already-elevated blood pressure level. This is a possible bad interaction that your physician may overlook because many decongestants are available over the counter.

Symptoms of Drug Interactions

There are a number of side effects that may occur as a result of an interaction. These range from mild to severe. Some symptoms that may indicate a bad interaction that should be investigated include vomiting, nausea, and an irregular heartbeat. Inability to sleep or over-sleeping may also be signs of a drug interaction.

The staff at Tiffany Natural Pharmacy are available to discuss your concerns about the medications you take if you suspect there is a potential for an interaction to occur. If you suspect you've already taken medications that may counteract one another, contact us to discuss the medications you've taken, or consider seeking professional medical care immediately.

Visit Tiffany Natural Pharmacy Today

Speak with one of the health care professionals at Tiffany Natural Pharmacy in Westfield to discuss possible drug interactions regarding the medications you take. You're also welcome to call and speak with someone at (908) 233-2200 or fill out our online contact form and someone will get back with you as quickly as possible.

"Providing excellent patient care is the main priority here at Tiffany Natural Pharmacy."

Brian Pinto

Additional Services

  • Zapatos para diabéticos
  • Disposición de medicamentos
  • Tarjetas ocasionales
  • Quiosco de fotos
  • Notificaciones por texto
  • Vacunas
  • Velas Yankee Candle
  • Recargas automáticas
  • Regalos
  • Inmunizaciones
  • Consulta de Medicare parte D
  • Empaque de medicamentos
  • Vitaminas
  • Recargas de medicamento
  • Equipos médicos
  • Servicio gratuito a entregas locales
  • Envio de medicamentos
  • Recursos del paciente
  • Preparación de medicamentos
  • Recetas para su mascota

It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi